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Club Information

Welcome Visitors / New Members!

We always welcome visitors to our meetings and events and are glad to have new members.

TexasYou can reach us by mail at:
Friendship Force of Dallas
P. O. Box 551151
Dallas, TX 75355

Phone and fax: 214- 699-7574
E-mail: [email protected]
Note: You may receive a faster reply to an inquiry by e-mailing an officer or chairperson directly as the club e-mail is not monitored every day.

For new members: Please print a Membership Form, complete it and return it to join Friendship Force Dallas. Click on the link for a 2023 pdf format Membership Form.

For returning members: Please print a Membership Renewal Form and renew your membership, as we must transmit our international dues to Friendship Force International and compile a membership list for our 2023 Yearbook.
Click on the link for a 2023 pdf format Membership Renewal Form. This form can be used throughout 2023 for renewals. You may become a member at any time.

See Friendship Force History on another page.
See Dallas History on another page.
Read about our BridgeBuilder project to provide computers and other aids to schools for the blind.
See a pdf file of 20th Anniversary of Friendship Force Dallas. We celebrated our 40th Anniversary in March, 2017. We celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Dallas club in March 2019.

See the NEW VIDEO put out by Friendship Force International. It's on our FFI page.
Visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/FriendshipForceDallas/ and LIKE us.

Officers for 2023

President:   Sandy Kaiser - [email protected]

Vice President: Randy Tetzlaff - [email protected]

Vice President Membership:  edward perez - [email protected]

Secretary:  Barbara Taylor - [email protected]

Treasurer:  Leslie Parker - [email protected]

Sandy Kaiser Randy Tetzlaff edward perez Barbara Taylor  Leslie Parker

Committee Chairs for 2022/2023:

Program Coordinators: Paula Rose - [email protected]
Membership: edward perez -[email protected]
      - Records - edward perez - [email protected]
      - Meeting Check-In: OPEN
      - Membership Guest Packets: Membership committee
Telephone Committee: Patty Niemeyer - [email protected]
Sunshine: Cathy Ignatin - [email protected]
Yearbook: edward perez - [email protected]
Communications Committee: Mary Williams, chair   
      - Meeting flyers: Mary Williams - [email protected]
      - Website: Mary Williams -[email protected]
      - Facebook page: OPEN
Newsletter Committee: Felicity Sentance - [email protected]
Journey Committee:
      - Julia Cooper (International and Domestic) - [email protected]
Journey Treasurer: Leslie Parker - [email protected]
Journey Coordinators:
        - Inbound from Cedar Rapids, IA: Host Coordinator edward perez: -[email protected]
Policies and By-laws Chair: edward perez - [email protected]
Finance Committee: Leslie Parker - [email protected]
Ways and Means: Chair OPEN
       - Raymond Enstam
Shuttle List Manager: Aurora Madrigal  - [email protected]

SW Field Representative:
     - edward perez: [email protected]

Shuttle Service

The Friendship Force of Dallas has, for some time, had a shuttle service. This is available to any member who needs transportation from home to some location, usually DFW or Love Field, or to be met and returned home. The service may apply to destinations other than airports. You might make only one or a few trips a year. The person receiving the service makes a donation to FFD. Every donation is a big help - it has contributed a great deal to our treasury and helps to keeps your dues low.

Send an email to [email protected] and all club members who are shuttle drivers will receive your request. Hopefully, one of them will respond and you two will schedule the date/time. After your trip, the passenger sends $30 or a donation they determine to the club treasurer (Lou Ann King - [email protected]) who includes the money in the club's general fund. Please include the name of your driver on the memo line. Beginning 2020: Please give your driver $5 (deducted from your donation to the club) to help defray his/her expenses in driving you.

The shuttle driver volunteers her or his time, car and gasoline. These expenses can be taken as tax deductions as they are donations to our club. Send an email to Aurora Madrigal ([email protected]) and she'll add you to the list. Take this opportunity to help out your club while meeting and learning about your fellow club members. You are not obligated to handle every request, but please do what you can.

 Forms, Bylaws, Policies

Membership Form

Click on the link for a 2023 pdf format Membership Form. (for new members)
or Membership Renewal Form (for renewing members) Print and return to edward perez (address on form)

Note: Membership for 2023 has been set at $35 [FFI dues $25 and FFD dues $10, ] due to reduction in our programs.

Expense Form

Please print and use this Expense Form (revised 2016) to submit expenses to the Treasurer or Journey Treasurer.

Revised Bylaws for 2017

To download a copy of the Revised Bylaws approved by the membership in 11/2016, click here.
To download a pdf copy of the Covid 19 Health Policy of Friendship Force Dallas for Journeys, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What do you mean by the term “Journey?”

A “Journey” is a visit to or from a club in another part of the world or another state. This involves home hospitality, the heart of a Friendship Force exchange, which provides the opportunity for people of different countries and cultures to connect at a personal level. We refer to it as an “Outbound Journey” when we visit another club. Often an optional tour of the area follows an exchange. An “Inbound Journey” occurs when a club visits us. We usually have one-two outbound and one-two inbound journeys per year that are arranged by our International organization. (Though in some years we may host three or more incoming clubs.) We may also schedule some Domestic Journeys - Journeys within the United States. More information is on our Journeys page. The term "Journey" is anew one.

These trips were previously called Exchanges and you may see the term throughout back pages of this website. Originally one club that visited another was in turn visited the next year - hence the term Exchange. The focus today is more on a club offering a trip to their location to feature the unique characteristics of that area or club, inviting members of many clubs or clubs of the world to participate. There is not necessarily a direct 1-1 exchange between clubs.

2. Do you travel as a group?

Yes and no; the group usually consists of 15 to 25 individuals, known as “Ambassadors.” Travel arrangements vary from departing the local airport as a group to some, or all, of the individuals making their own travel arrangements and meeting in the host city at a specific time and place. The latter provides the most flexibility, but group travel can contribute to a more rewarding experience. The method of travel is a decision made by the Journey Coordinator but is usually flexible enough to accommodate those who are adding on other travel or using frequent-flyer tickets.

3. What are "Host Coordinators" and "Ambassador Coordinators?”

A Host Coordinator (HC) is an individual who plans, organizes and coordinates the Journey of an incoming group. This position is open to anyone who has the desired leadership qualities and can make the commitment of time needed for adequate planning. An Ambassador Coordinator recruits  Ambassadors to go on a Journey with a 9 to 12 month lead-time and works with his/her counterpart in another club. Our club has some great experienced Coordinators who are more than willing to mentor a first time Coordinator. In addition, there is a Coordinator video and handbook available, and the club occasionally conducts a Coordinator Workshop; all interested individuals may participate.

4. What is involved in becoming a member of The Friendship Force?

Join The Friendship Force IF you believe in the goals and mission of the organization; you like the challenge and excitement of new people, places and experiences; you believe that friendship among people of different countries and cultures can make the world more peaceful; and you have a curiosity about the world and enjoy learning about other cultures and ways of life. Contact the Membership Chair; complete the Membership Form and mail with your check to Membership Chair - edward perez.

5. How do I find out what is happening in the club?

When you join you will receive a membership packet, and then bi-monthly newsletters and frequent bulletins by mail or e-mail about activities, new members, and exchanges. Check out the local club’s website: www.friendshipforcedallas.org. On the international level, go to: www.thefriendshipforce.org or www.friendshipforce.org. The Dallas club also has a Facebook page. If you go to FriendshipForceDallas and LIKE us there, you will receive notices about what events and opportunities are coming up.

6. I don’t see myself traveling in the next year or so; should I still join?

Certainly, Friendship Force is not a travel club; there are many other aspects of involvement. The mission of Friendship Force is building global goodwill through personal friendships. This can be accomplished in other ways. You might consider being a home host, a day host, a small group dinner host, or someone who attends social activities to build friendships with individuals who have an interest in the goals of Friendship Force International.

7. What do you mean by the term “home host?”

You agree to share your home for five-seven days and nights with someone from another country or state. You can learn about another culture without leaving home. You have the opportunity to participate in a number of group/club outings so you won’t have to plan everything for you and your guest. There will still be time to share your special interests and places with your guest. The cost of events, admissions and outside meals is paid for our visitors by our club, using the fees the visitors have paid in advance. But as you would host a friend in your home, you host without compensation for meals at home and transportation in your car.

8. Since I am a single woman, would I be matched with another woman?

Yes, that is usually the situation, while couples normally host another couple. There are exceptions, but it is your decision. Frequently, the number of bedrooms and type of bed(s) available play a part in matching hosts and ambassadors (guests) as do interests and occupations. Also, traveling as a single woman is easier when you are with a group and a family; you are not alone.

9. Will I have the opportunity to communicate with my host or guest prior to the Journey?

Usually that is the case. It is amazing how many foreign guests and hosts have e-mail. Important: As soon as possible, contact your host/ ambassador by e-mail, letter, or phone. For many, friendships, communications, and private visits continue for years and even a lifetime.

10. What are the responsibilities of a “home host?”

A home host invites his/her guest to be a part of the family for the time the exchange is in your community. Involve your guest in the activities of your family. Participate in all official functions that are planned and attend all scheduled workshops. If you have an obligation during the exchange that is of such a nature that you are unable to take your guest, inform the Journey Coordinator and a “day host” will be arranged to accompany/entertain your guest on your busy day.

11. Exactly what is a “day host?”

It is someone who wants to participate in the exchange but, for whatever reason, is unable to host an ambassador in his.her home. This individual volunteers to escort an ambassador for one or more days to a scheduled activity or, if it is a day when no group activity is planned, decides how and where to spend the day with the guest. It would be a good idea to discuss this with the guest so the activity you plan is something of interest to both of you.

12. What would be expected of me if I volunteer to be a “small group dinner host?”

You decide how many guests, in addition to the number in your family, you feel comfortable having for dinner on an evening specified by the Exchange Committee or Program Coordinator. The menu is your choice and generally you provide the main course and arrange for your Dallas guests to bring a salad, dessert, appetizer, or wine. It is entirely up to you. The evening is for you to plan whether you play a game or just visit. The whole idea is to share the culture and experiences of your guests and give them the opportunity to visit another home and meet others. When space allows, members, new and potential members are included as guests. Of course, the guest’s host family accompanies them to your dinner. Sharing, fun, laughter and conversation are the goals for the evening.

13. Do you plan visits to clubs in the United States?

Yes, many of the clubs in the United States arrange what are called “Domestic Journeys” or “Inter-club Journeys” with another club where there is a mutual interest in such a visit and the international exchange schedule permits it. In past years the Dallas club has visited Chicago IL, Lake Hartwell GA, Asheville NC, Sacramento CA, Harrisburg PA, Great Falls MT, Northern Colorado, San Francisco Bay Area CA, Cincinnati OH, Morganton NC, Birmingham AL, Reno/Lake Tahoe NV, Portland OR, Olympia WA, Georgetown TX, Southern New Jersey, Madison WI, Cedar Rapids IA and Fort Worth TX and has hosted many of these clubs in return. We are looking for clubs we can visit for next year and welcome visits from other clubs.

14. What types of social activities does the club have?

The club normally meets once a month all year round on the second Saturday or Sunday of the month for lunch or early evening. Exceptions are when we are hosting an incoming club; then the social events associated with that Journey are our meeting for the month. Meetings feature speakers or parties. (Since most of our meetings also include a dinner at a restaurant, please let us know you are coming. We usually need reservations by check in advance so that the restaurant can prepare the proper amount of food and set up the places we need.) Topics include places we are visiting or hosting, world events, cultures of other countries and topics of interest to those who enjoy international culture, travel and friendship. During the year we may also have an outing to a local sight, small group dinners in homes, small group meetings in restaurants, lunches or wine tastings, and a holiday party. Other events may be planned as well. We hold business meetings four times a year and Board meetings once a month, usually the Monday following a regular club meeting. Anyone may attend a Board meeting; place and time are posted in the Newsletters.

15. What should I expect financially when I go on an Outbound Journey?

On an Outbound Journey, we who are ambassadors pay one fee and have all or most of our expenses paid by the host club and its members; we pay for our own transportation to the host city. Our fee  goes in part to Friendship Force International; and some of that fee is paid to the hosting club to entertain us. If there is an optional tour following the exchange, you would pay the cost of the tour if you choose to go. Generally, we take our hosts out to dinner one night while we are their guest. You may pay for a few of your own meals while eating out, depending on the circumstances. It is customary to bring your hosts a gift or gifts (especially Texan if possible), just as you would if you were visiting a friend. If you don't bring a gift with you, you may be able to buy something for your host when you determine their interests or needs while you are there, or treat them in some way.

16. What are Discover Journeys and Global Journeys?

Discover Journeys typically do not include a homestay, or a very short one, if any. The purpose is to meet people in an area who are interested in forming a new Friendship Force club. They have the opportunity to meet members and talk about what it is like to form a club and what benefits and responsibilities they would have. Participants stay in hotels, making these a more expensive way to travel with Friendship Force.

Global Journeys are a new way to get people with similar interests around the world together. Instead of one club visiting another club, anyone who is interested in the topic or activities of the Journeys may apply to attend. There may be homestays all or part of the time, or may involve travel between different clubs or points of interest. A Global Journey might focus on artists, or gardens, or history or architecture of the area. It may appeal to more active participants who like to bike, hike in the wilderness, or participate in a volunteer project - called a Friendship in Action Journey .

17. Am I required to host or go on Outbound Journeys if I am a member?

There is no requirement by our club for members to host visitors or go on Outbound Journeys . We hope though, that those joining would want to actively participate in these events, as they are how we can best learn about people in other cultures. If you cannot host or travel, you can still day host or participate in other ways.

18. What if I am not able to go or don’t care to go on the Outbound Journeys you have scheduled? Are there other ways for me to travel with the organization?

There are a number of other ways to travel. You may travel with another club if they have room for you. There are Discover and Global Journeys that include people from several countries where the Ambassadors travel somewhere and stay mostly in hotels but meet people from that country. Several Festivals are held each year in different parts of the world where all are welcome to come to stay in a hotel but meet people from the area; there may or may not be home stays offered after the Festival. Regional and International Conferences are held alternate years, and they are usually followed by an optional short homestay. There are sometimes long weekend trips available and volunteer opportunities as well. See the list of Journeys and events on the Journeys and Other Clubs pages and the Friendship Force International website.

19. How much are membership dues?

Dues are for the calendar year and a portion of your fee goes to Friendship Force International, our parent organization. Annual dues are $35 per member for 2023. Members of other Friendship Force clubs (Secondary Members) may join the Friendship Force of Dallas for an annual fee of $15 (for 2023 only; regularly $20.). Dues are payable by December 15th for the following calendar year. Contact the Membership chairperson (edward perez) for a Membership Form or click here for a form.
During the year, dues are prorated for new members:
Joining the club Jan 1 - June 30 shall pay the full amount or $35 (2023 only)
Joining the club July 1 - Sept 30 shall pay $15 per individual .
Joining the club Oct 1 - Dec 31 shall pay the full amount which will be for the last three months of the current year and a full membership for the following year.

20. Does your club help people in other countries?

For several years, the Friendship Force of Dallas club donated refurbished computers fitted with sound cards to schools for the blind in Peru, Chile, Romania, Turkey and Palestine. We call this our BridgeBuilder Project. The latest computers were donated to Schools for the Visually Deficient in Brasov, Romania and in Izmir, Turkey. Other supplies for the blind have been donated in Bogota, Colombia and in Paraguay. The Brasov and Sibiu, Romania clubs visited Dallas in April 2007 and brought back additional computers to Brasov. See photos on our Computers to Romania page. See additional articles about this project and computers for the blind on our Articles page. We do not have an active program right now, as computers have become much more available.

21. How can I find out more about the international organization?

Check out the Friendship Force International website:
www.friendshipforce.org or www.thefriendshipforce.org.
There is information about the history, organization, mission, goals, meetings and projects; about the Board members; about the exchanges available; about how to arrange exchanges, recruit members, and start or run a club. There is a monthly magazine called Friendship Online available on this website. Exchanges that have room for more people are listed in The Catalog.

22. How big is your club? How many can you host?

Including our Emeritus members, Associate members (members of other clubs) and members who live in other cities - we have about 90 members as of November 2019. We are able to host up to 15 Ambassadors on an Inbound Journey.

23. How can I get involved in the Dallas club?

We have lots of opportunities for involvement in Journeys - to travel. We also need helpers to put on Inbound Journeys - as hosts, day hosts and dinner hosts; planners for a day's activities or parties; or as an Journey Coordinator (you may want to be an assistant JC first to see how it's done). Volunteers are always welcome on the membership/welcoming team or telephone tree; or as hosts or helpers for small group events. If you have skills in the computer field, writing, design, publicity fields - we can use your help. Check the Committee Chair list above to see where some OPEN spots are. Tell the president or any Board member what you are interested in doing. We welcome your ideas and enthusiasm. Many of our present leaders have been in the club only a short time and have become active and valued contributors.

For additional information about the Dallas club, contact edward perez, the Membership Chair or a Board member.

The Basics
Our purpose is to be a multi-cultural group that promotes peace and friendship in the world by building global good will through personal friendships and exchanges.

Our mission is building world understanding through personal friendships.

Our vision is to be an outstanding model as a diverse and actively involved Friendship Club representing Dallas, Texas to the world.

Job Descriptions

Committee Chairs and Helpers

- Ways and Means - coming up with ideas for one-time or ongoing fund raisers for our club. Need a chair for this committee.
- Communication - preparing information about our meetings for our members and other community organizations. [email experience required]
- Treasurer and Journey Treasurer - keeping track of revenue and expenses associated w/ our Journeys. [bookkeeping experience required, experience w/Quicken a plus; FFD has a licensed copy that can be installed on your Windows based computer]
- Membership database manager - keeping track of membership and generating labels for mailing newsletters and announcements [computer experience required; FFD has a licensed copy of a program that can be installed on your Windows based computer or you can use the club's computer]
- Sunshine - sending card\s to members with health problems or whom have lost a family member. [no experience required]
- Presentation equipment keeper - storing our microphone/speaker, computer projector and screen; having them at meetings when they're needed. [no experience required]
- Merchandise keeper - storing our lapel pins and pen sets; making them available for sales - we sell several hundred dollars in items (make great exchange gifts). [no experience required]
- Banner keeper - storing our new FFD Banner; have it at meetings or to welcome inbound exchanges when it's needed. [no experience required]
- Newsletter Editor - write a newsletter every other month from collected articles and photos; publish in Word or Publisher with pdf file. [writing ability, knowledge of computer, e-mail and Word, attention to formatting and detail needed]
- Shuttle Drive List Manager - manage an e-mail group list coordinating driver volunteers and those wishing a ride to the airport. edward perez will help a new volunteer on how to manage the list. [Need e-mail / Internet, no experience]

Contact the President or Membership Chairperson for more details.

Contact Information
Postal address: P. O. Box 551151, Dallas, TX 75355
Phone and fax: 214- 699-7574 
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendshipForceDallas/
Webmaster: [email protected]